Category: Growing in Christ

The Road to Emmaus

And behold, two of them were going that very day to a village named Emmaus, which was about seven miles from Jerusalem.  And they were talking with each other about all these things which had taken place.  While they were…

Questions ~ Meaning of the Cross

I ask: What was achieved on the cross? PROPITIATION: Appeasement of an offended party from wrath or anger.  REDEMPTION: What is required in order to liberate from oppression, enslavement, or another type of binding obligation.  JUSTIFICATION: Divine, forensic act of…

Behold the Lamb

It is Holy Week; and many eloquent writers have penned beautiful prose concerning the beauty of what we remember this week.  Here are my humble musings, what my heart is breathing as we approach Good Friday.  Not only is this…

He Always Calls You

by Rae Lloyd I cried out for you when you took that pill perhaps just to self medicate and you didn’t really want to, but you couldn’t stop.  I knew there was an inner healing for you, but you thought…