Wonder Woman! I remember watching her as a child and I always wanted a pair of those bracelets she wore. With those bracelets she could defeat any bad guy that came up against her. Wonder Woman was beautiful inside and out and could do it all with both hands tied behind her back. As I grew older, Wonder Woman really became more like the super standard that women felt they had to meet.
We joked about other women who were Wonder Women, but deep down we wanted to be like her too. Oh yes ~ their kids were perfect, houses immaculate, marriages happier than any other and careers were booming whether in home or out. Every hair in place, time to work out every day, help the kids with homework, cook two awesome homemade meals a day and still have time alone to read their favorite book at night. And their spiritual lives were right on target. One hour in the morning with God before getting the family up, church at least two times a week and serving wherever needed.
What a life. I mean I’ve dreamed of having such a life. I’ve wanted to be this Wonder Woman. I’ve even tried to make other women believe this WAS me. I pretended and wore masks for years. But why? Fear of failure? Pride? A competitive spirit? Fear of rejection? Low self-esteem? Eventually burnout set in. I could not keep up with the other women I so admired. I tried and worked and strived, but failed. My children weren’t perfect, neither was my marriage. I didn’t like to cook and still don’t. My house was never immaculate, although it is much better now that the kids are grown. But serving in the church… that I did well. I served in every area I could. All. The. Time. My kids and I were there every time the doors were open.
However, because I did this so well the other aspects of my life were given less attention. Husband, kids, home, and my personal relationship with God were all put on the back-burner. But my Heavenly Father just wouldn’t leave me on that endless cycle of pretending… Although I had accepted Jesus as my Savior at the age of 21, I was missing a piece of the puzzle. Finally the pieces came together about four years ago when I “got” the truth of His immeasurable love and grace for me. As I grew in His grace and understood His love, the masks began to fall off or maybe the Father very gently took them off for me. I was able to see myself more clearly and what I saw was eye-opening.
Underneath the masks of fear of rejection, failure, low self- esteem and issues of pride was a woman chosen, loved, and made holy by her great God! Because of Christ in me I am a woman of love, humility, compassion, forgiveness, kindness, strength, Christ-confidence, and patience. Underneath all the masks and pretending was a real, authentic Wonder Woman after all.
Guess what? When you accept the love of God about you, through believing Jesus Christ His Son, and His Holy Spirit lives within you, you are a Wonder Woman, too!
References: Philippians 4:13, Colossians 3:12-14, John 3:16
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