Denise Duncan – Really Rachel

Denise Duncan is a wife and stay-at-home mom of 4 young children residing in Texas.  She has spent the last 20 years as a technical writer and trainer in the international logistics industry.   She feels exponentially blessed with a life that did not start out as rosy as it is today.  She acknowledges God’s hand of protection, discipline, mercy, and abounding grace in her life.  From the severity of childhood domestic violence to the more recent tragic suicide of her sister, she does not dwell on the darkness that could have been.  Instead, she basks in the glorious sparkle of God as he has given her the desires of her heart and more. 

Denise and her husband of 13 years are active in their local church, school, and happily busy raising their 4 children Noah, Simon, Elizabeth, and Rachel.  Three are biological and their youngest, Rachel, was just adopted from China this year.   It is the experience of international adoption that has catapulted Denise and her family into more kingdom opportunities of orphan care and ministry.  Denise now spends her time raising her children, raising awareness of orphan care and adoption, and writing about it.  For now her writing focuses on keeping up on Rachel’s milestones, but she is also committed to writing a young adult fiction work focused around adoption.

How did you go about naming your blog, and where can we find it?
I decided on Really Rachel simply because I’m a big fan of alliteration and whimsy 🙂   Plus it’s the chronology of Rachel’s first year home.  We waited for 3 years, so by saying she’s “really” here meant something to us. The current blog can be found at :

What do you find yourself writing about most often?
I recently heard Joyce Meyer indicate that the “present” is a “present”.  That is, today is a gift.  Marvel at the ordinary.  And that’s what my blog may embrace.  I write about daily, everyday, family life of a family of six.  I concentrate on Rachel’s journey for now.  Adoption seems so foreign or impossible to many people, so they don’t consider it.  But by attending one class or reading a few blogs, people can see that adoption is very possible, personal.  It is truly miraculous; a snippet of God’s love for us in tangible form.  When you embrace that child…it’s supernatural; they’re yours. 

I am also starting a book in the young adult fiction genre with adoption as a key element.

What prompted you to start blogging, and when did you launch your site?
I avoided blogging for a long time!  It seemed so self-serving to begin with, but I soon learnd there was more to blogging than pontificating!  It’s my supplement to scrapbooking.  Blogging allows me to record milestones, events, precious moments, and antics anytime with ease.  Our adoption journey was the catalyst for starting a real blog.  I launched our first blog on April 14, 2007 titled Waiting For Rachel which chronicles our waiting and journey to get Rachel!

How much thought and time do you generally put into each post?
For me it’s not so much thought as it is inspiration.  I’m a firm believer in writing when so moved to.  For me it just happens and cannot be forced.  In my technical writing career, however, it takes hours of thought and days, weeks of research.

What are some of your hobbies or accomplishments outside of blogging?
Hobbies: Volunteer work in women’s ministry, pre-school special needs ministry; Digital designing, reading, walking, movies, discovering new places with family & friends

Accomplishments: I consider my family a daily accomplishment!  Routine and structure mixed with a child’s imagination and/or uncanny timing qualify as accomplishment. 🙂  Other accomplishments include my Bachelor’s Degree from University of North Texas, PTA president, and multiple past career endorsements.

What struggle have you experienced with keeping your blog updated?
My primary struggle has been putting it off until I have the perfect thing to say or the perfect time to do it!  Which is silly considering I believe writing when inspired.   That said, even when inspiried, I might put off writing until a more convenient time presents itself.   The other struggle may be that I haven’t downloaded my photos yet.  So marrying up photos with inspiration means struggle to keep up sometimes.

What are some of your favorite blogs?
Kerry Hasenbalg:  
Hope’s Song:       
Java With Jennifer:
Confident Christianity

What Bible verse has God recently placed on your heart?
Very recently I was drawn to Malachi 3:2 “But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner’s fire and like launderers’ soap.  One of my favorite blog authors shared this.  Launderers’ soap?  Wow, not only did this speak to me as a mom and “laundress,” but it also spoke volumes on God’s refinement and His infinite ability to cleanse us, our souls.

Is there anything that you’d like to add in closing?
In closing, there are thousands of other blogs out there that are way more dynamic and inspiring than my little, simple one. I am just an ordinary woman; an everyday mom living each day knowing I take so much for granted.  Like most women, I see my flaws a lot more easily than any gifts the LORD may bestow.  Yet I am learning to listen and accept those opportunities to be a vessel, because our adoption journey is a living-eternal miracle; a modern day parable personifying God’s love creation.


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