If you are looking for a way to get linked to other Christian women in the blogosphere, joining a meme is one of the best ways to do it! So in order to help you find them, we’ve compiled a list of some memes that we recommend:
Sunday Seven
Our Journey…
Seek the Lord Sunday
Weekly Poetry Prompts
The Daily Mercies (Rena)
The Daily Mercies (Ginger)
God Stop Sundays
Marriage Monday
Menu Plan Monday
Children’s Book Mondays
Miracle Monday
At the Well
Monday Manna
Monday Mom Logs
Monday Morning Reflections
Sleeping with Bread
In ‘Other’ Words – A Writing Challenge (Tuesdays)
Tackle it Tuesday
Two Shall Be One Tuesdays (Marriage)
10 Minute Tuesdays
Tuesdays for Timothy Moms
To the Tune of Tea Tuesdays
Works for Me Wednesday
Word-filled Wednesdays
Thankful Thursday
Plate it and Post it Thursdays (cooking)
Thursday Thirteen
This One’s for You
Thirstin’ for the Word
Sincerely Fro’ Me to You
Thursday Kids Corner
Fruit of the Spirit Fridays
GodStop Friday
My Husband Rocks!
Fiction Fridays
Great Food Fridays
Psalm Friday
Fearfully Fabulous Fridays
Company Girl Coffee
Then Sings My Soul Saturdays
Weekend Reflections
Soup’s On Saturday
Lessons in Love
Blog Members: Have a meme that’s not listed?
Let us know…
editor @ christianwomenonline.net
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