The Domestic Fringe

Tricia is a pastor’s wife, mother of two, and an aspiring writer.  Inspired by other bloggers, she recently launched “The Domestic Fringe,” a web-blog dedicated to finding humor in daily life. Tricia is enjoying using her God-given love for the written word to encourage others in the monotony of everyday. The goal of The Domestic Fringe is to help people smile.

Tricia feels that women are full of pressure to succeed, meet expectations, and continually strive to be “perfect.” She hopes The Domestic Fringe will become a place for women to escape stress and laugh a little. 

Tricia lives on the domestic fringe in denial of her actual age, avidly avoiding scales, and eating too many M&M’s. Won’t you join her in this adventure called life?  

How did you go about naming your blog, and where can we find it?
Naming my blog was THE major hurdle in starting my site.  I sought a name that would reflect my personality, my written content, and would be “catchy.” The Domestic Fringe is the place where I live. It’s reality. Currently in society, women fulfill such diverse roles whether or not they maintain a full-time paid position in the “work” world. It is a place all women can come to, feel safe, and laugh despite position, status, and stress.  You can visit Tricia at: The Domestic Fringe

What do you find yourself writing about most often?
I write about reality.  Life just happens to me. I’m not a planner by nature, so I really don’t mind, but sometimes life runs off with me before I’m ready. These blogs are my life. It’s what happens when you rub the sleepies from your eyes and brush your teeth.

My blogs, however, are not a personal journal or diary.  I don’t focus on my day, but rather my focus zooms in on specific encounters. We are often so rushed that we miss out on all the humor life provides.

What prompted you to start blogging, and when did you launch your site?
I was inspired to begin writing because of other women. Their blogs inspired me and gave me a confidence to launch into the world of writing. I’ve enjoyed writing since childhood, and blogging seemed like a perfect outlet for me.  It’s my stress reliever. 

The Domestic Fringe launched August 25, 2008.  I’m a rookie!

How much thought and time do you generally put into each post?
Unfortunately I spend more time on layout than on writing.  I’m not a web designer, so I’m facing many challenges, but I look forward to learning this new art. I spend approximately thirty minutes writing a post.  I can only write when an idea pops into my head and I start writing quickly because my mind doesn’t hang on to things for very long.  I like to write, walk away, divert my mind and come back later for the final edit.  I’d say my posts take about an hour to publish from start to finish.  Again, layout of my pages is the challenge.

What are some of your hobbies or accomplishments outside of blogging?
I love to read!  I enjoy scrapbooking, but I’m a social scrapbooker–can’t do it alone.  I’m an avid yard-saler and I dabble in sewing projects.  As for accomplishments… my kids are my greatest thus far.  I’ve also finished school earning my masters degree this past year.  To be honest, just getting the laundry done is an accomplishment in my life.

What struggle have you experienced with keeping your blog updated?
Managing my time is my biggest struggle.  I can’t spend too much time blogging or I’ll forget to live.  Then they’ll be nothing to blog about.  It can be a vicious cycle to get caught in.

What are some of your favorite blogs?
My favorite blogs are: 
Life In The Parsonage
From Under The Laundry Pile
, and
The Pioneer Woman

What Bible verse has God recently placed on your heart?
Proverbs 17:22  “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”

I believe God has been teaching me to enjoy the life he’s given me.  My grandfather passed away this summer at the age of 93 and he wasn’t ready to go, not because he didn’t look forward to heaven, but because he still had more life to live.  I want to live each day that the Lord gives me to its fullest.

Is there anything that you’d like to add in closing
I just want to encourage women to find the gift God’s given them, whatever it may be, and use it in faith knowing He will provide the increase.

Visit Tricia at: The Domestic Fringe

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