I am 20 years old and have grown up in a Pentecostal church serving and loving God. I watched you on Full House while I was growing up (and still do today since it’s in syndication). You were such a huge role model for me growing up, and still are. I recently read Kirk’s book Still Growing, and found out that you are a Christian as well. I was overjoyed because there are few celebrities who proclaim their Christianity. I admire you very much–you are an amazing example.
I have a question. God has always been #1 in my life, until recently. I’m a student at a Christian college and I am always busy. I sometimes end up putting my Bible reading and praying to the side. How do you do it, being a mom, involved with your family–being so busy? How do you ensure that God is always #1 in your life, and that the things of this world don’t get in the way?
Thanks for your email. I’m glad to know you love the Lord and serve Him. You asked me, “How do you do it, being a mom, involved with your family–being so busy? How do you ensure that God is always #1 in your life, and that the things of this world don’t get in the way?“
My #1 ministry is my family, so putting my husband first and taking care of my children are pleasing to God. I serve the Lord when I serve my family. But don’t let all my Q’s & A’s or my Christian website make you think that I’m a spiritual giant compared to everyone else. There are days I don’t read my Bible (I hate to admit) and there are days I’m off and running without starting out in prayer. But it doesn’t take long for it to catch up to me because of the emptiness I feel when I don’t give myself to the Lord first thing.
I guess when you are soundly saved and walking the road of Christianity, you have a sense of peace, joy, comfort and love you just can’t get anywhere else. When you see God in all His glory, speaking to you, directing you, performing miracles in your everyday life, you can’t help but want that relationship every day with Him. The thought of not hearing God’s voice because I’m not in-tune and listening for it makes me go crazy! And it’s never Him who leaves. 😉
It takes work, it takes diligence, and it takes commitment. You have to put your priorities in order. How important is God to you? If you’re taking the time to ask me these questions, you obviously feel the void when you don’t pray or read your Bible. That’s a good thing! But it shouldn’t be out of guilt you do those things, it should be out of an utmost heartfelt gratitude that you have for God, because of His love in His sacrificial death for you.
We all need a little encouragement along the way. That’s why it’s so important to have friends around that are walking the same walk, keeping you accountable, and giving you encouragement. I don’t know what I’d do without my Wednesday Bible study girlfriends! I try to keep my eyes focused on the Lord and not the world. It’s easy for me when I’m faced with a decision to ask God, “Would this choice be pleasing to You?” Praying over it and holding it up to scripture helps keep me from letting the world get in the way.
Remember, you have to make it a priority, and that’s all there is to it!