Lord, Please Meet Me in the
Laundry Room:
Heavenly Help for Earthly Moms
(Beacon Hill Press 2004)
By Barbara Curtis
Lord, Please Meet Me in the Laundry Room is Barbara Curtis’ life story–her long, drawn-out answer to the question she probably hears several times a day: “So, how do you DO it?” Barbara is the mother of 12 kids–9 of her own and 3 adopted. What’s more, she and her husband purposefully adopted three children with Down’s syndrome since one of their sons has this “little extra” chromosome. Need I say more about her qualifications to write a book?
In the first chapter, Barbara describes how her laundry room became the one place in her home where she could have a “Quiet Time,” where she could pour out her heart to God as well as listen to the “still small Voice” of the Lord. She says: “And so my laundry room became my prayer closet. For years it’s been the place I meet the Lord each morning before my children awake, and at intervals throughout the day… I never have trouble finding God in my laundry room. He is always ready to receive my praise, my thanks, my prayers for family and friends, my joys and heartaches too.”
Barbara’s journey to motherhood has taken plenty of twists and turns – and her heart-warming prose makes her a popular author and blogger; in fact, she recently received the “Best Meet for a Mocha” blogger award from “A Gracious Home.” Reading this book can help rejuvenate your walk with the Lord, as she reminds women, “What a privilege to be so dependent, so connected to Him.”