Year: 2007

Coming Together in God’s Country

It’s been a year, and there’s now a brand-new school. The little girls are gone, buried in the rich and fertile earth of Amish cemeteries. The shooter, too, is gone, his life ended by the same gun that took the…

Martha, Martha

Let’s just get this out in the open right now. I am no Martha Stewart. That fact becomes woefully obvious to me around the holidays! Everywhere I look I see a dozen new ways to create something fabulous for the…

Radio Interview: Rachel Hauck

Listen in as Jill chats with author Rachel Hauck about her new book, Diva NashVegas. Rachel is a pastor’s wife whose first novel, Lambert’s Pride, was published in 2004. Her current release is Diva NashVegas, May 2007 from Thomas Nelson.…

The Wager

I am a young, Christian woman. Finding out that you were a Christian uplifted my spirits, like you wouldn’t believe! Your role in the new movie “The Wager” is one of a seductive actress called Cassandra. And in one of…