The Wager

I am a young, Christian woman. Finding out that you were a Christian uplifted my spirits, like you wouldn’t believe!

Your role in the new movie “The Wager” is one of a seductive actress called Cassandra. And in one of your previous Q’s & A’s, you listed the questions that you ask yourself before you accept or receive a job.

One of the questions was this, “Will the new job be pleasing to God, and will it glorify Him?”

I asked myself, “How can this be pleasing to God?” The movie hasn’t come out yet, and I don’t know if your character, Cassandra, makes a turnaround in the movie (in which case I would say the part would be pleasing to God), but if she doesn’t than how does it please God? I am DEFINITELY NOT trying to question your judgment, but when I heard about the movie I thought it would be a good way for me to invite some of my non-Christian friends to go see it (use it as a witnessing tool), but I don’t know what it is about, and I don’t know if you would recommend it as a witnessing tool or not.


Thanks for your questions. Do I think that the role I played was pleasing to God? Yes! The movie is rated PG, and is a modern day story based on the book of Job. Yes, my character Cassandra is a seductive movie actress, but keeping in line with a PG rating and being that it is a Christian film, there isn’t much to the seduction. It’s simply “implied.”

Randy Travis’s character, Michael Steel is struggling with life changing issues as God and Satan have placed a wager as to whether he is able to live out the Sermon on the Mount or not. My character is one of the temptations that forces Michael to make a decision about his wife and marriage. As I always want to honor God, my husband, and children, I purposely choose to be a part of the Wager because it’s a Christian film that shows the struggles of everyday life. In no way was the character I portrayed or the script dishonoring to God, but can clearly be used as a tool for the saved and the unsaved.

To answer your other question, yes, you can use this movie as a witnessing tool, although I think that I prefer The Passion of the Christ!! 🙂 The Wager will be released on DVD May 13 nationwide.

Blessings to you,

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