After Every Wedding
Comes a Marriage
(Harvest House, 1997)
By Florence & Fred Littauer
I love this book! It’s one of the best books on marriage I’ve ever read–and I’ve collected a whole bookshelf in my 12 years of marriage. I’m definitely not the expert, but Florence Littauer is. She’s spent her life teaching passionately about the four personality types: Popular Sanguine, Powerful Choleric, Perfect Melancholy, and Peaceful Phlegmatic.
Do you know your personality type? Or your husband’s? Learning about the personalities will transform your marriage, and the book contains a profile that will help you identify your type, as well as the strengths and weaknesses, which all apply to communication in marriage.
In a candid and humorous way, Littauer tells the story of her wedding, which was so glamorous that Life Magazine captured it on film. But after the honeymoon, her marriage was filled with problems–until the couple became committed to Christ, realizing that happiness in marriage starts with me, not you. This book would make a wonderful women’s Bible study, and tapes of Littauer’s teaching can be purchased to complement the reading.
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