Queen of the Castle: 52 weeks of Encouragement for the Uninspired, Domestically Challenged or Just Plain Tired Homemaker
By Lynn Bowen Walker
(Integrity 2006)
Author Lynn Bowen Walker begins her book with this disclaimer: “OK – so let’s get this out of the way right up front: I am not homemaker of the year.” That said, this is a book every homemaker won’t want to live without. Written with a light and humorous touch, Walker combines inspirational storytelling with an endless cache of organizing, craft, and holiday ideas – nicely gathered in one easy-to-read volume.
If you’ve got stacks of women’s magazines you keep meaning to clip articles from, throw them away and buy this book instead. It contains dozens of tried-and-true, kid-friendly recipes, along with wisdom gleaned from years of mothering. Walker’s not afraid to share her homemaking foibles, and the encouraging tone of the book makes you feel like she’s joining you for a chat over a cup of coffee. If you’re looking for homemaking inspiration for every month of the year, this book will help make your home the haven you long it to be.