The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3 Coming to the end of December has a way of making me reflect on the year that has passed and on goals for the…
The silence of the night was broken by the cries of a baby entering the world. It is such a sweet sound. A sound that every new mother waits anxiously to hear and when the cry rings out, her heart…
The Christmas season! Lights! Sights! Traditions! Gifts! The Reason for the Season! For many the Christmas season is the peak of all that is Warm and Wonderful, Light and Bright ~ for an endless number of reasons! For many the…
It seems like so many of us learn as children to ask things of God as though He were our Heavenly Santa Claus. Maybe it is a cultural thing, or maybe it is because we are such a rich nation…
In the service of our King, we are engaged in a spiritual battle every single day. But do not fear! We do not face Satan in our own power. Paul tells us to “Be strong in the Lord and in…