Tag: deliverance

Come Just As You Are

Are you here looking?  Are you trying to find out if this Jesus you have heard about is for real?  Are you wondering if it is possible to really believe the Bible, the Word of God?  Maybe you are questioning…

An Idealized Christianity

Before Jesus was crucified, He stood before Pilate on trial.  Pilate was intrigued with this Man, and asked Him, with mocking sarcasm, if He was a king.  Jesus answered that He was come into the world to bear witness to…

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Turn your eyes upon Jesus Look full in His wonderful face And the things of earth will grow strangely dim In the light of His Glory and Grace… Helen H. Lemmel Oh, how messy life can be!  You might feel…

My Life as a River

My river is weeping gaudy tears upon the worn sand banks, rutted with the heartbreak from a thousand days of rivulets, formed by the ruthless backwash of a spring ill spent. Tomorrow promises floods renewed and torrents of mindless splashing…