Category: General

Does this work?!

Slipping Through My Fingers

Few people imagine or anticipate their life being full of severe pain.  I’m referring to the kind of pain that follows you every moment, of every day, month after month, without an ending in sight. The type of pain that…

Post-it Board…

Looking for CWO’s post-it board, where bloggers share giveaways and announcements? You can always find it linked in our sidebar under the topic of “blogging,” or click here to find it: Post-it Board

For Daughter Kate

Hi, My name is Tricia in Massachusetts. We need prayer for our daughter Kate, age 11. We adopted Kate at age 7 and her prior family history was severe which caused emotional special needs including PTSD, Reactive Attachment Disorder and neglect issues that often…

For a Friend’s Husband

Hi My name is Sara ..and I have a Friend that lives in New Jersy ..Her husband is ill with Pleuorosy and hasn’t shown signs of improvement. Please hold him up in prayer . Her name is Patty ..I don’t…