Nicole Querido is a single mother of two, residing in the suburbs of Toronto, Canada, with her fourteen-year-old daughter and twelve-year-old son. Nicole is a writer and teacher who seeks to live a life of surrender to God, whose redeeming power and love has transformed her life. Nicole is a woman, who has known the depravity and hopelessness of living without God, but in coming to know Christ in her thirties, Nicole’s life story became a testimony of His amazing grace. Nicole’s heart’s desire is to use her passion for the Lord and her gift of writing to share the hope of Christ with women around the world.
Nicole Querido writes about her daily journey with Christ in her blog Redeemed and Esteemed.
It started as a small whisper in my spirit so many years ago: You could do that. As a brand new Christian, doing my very first Bible study, it felt like a silly thought coming from my crazy mind. I…
The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3 Coming to the end of December has a way of making me reflect on the year that has passed and on goals for the…
The silence of the night was broken by the cries of a baby entering the world. It is such a sweet sound. A sound that every new mother waits anxiously to hear and when the cry rings out, her heart…
Then He called the crowd to Him along with his disciples and said, “If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose…
This beautiful picture, taken from the house that now belongs to my aunt, floods my heart with memories of my childhood. My grandparents built their home here many, many years ago, and my sister and I would spend our summers…